Friday, March 30, 2007

Hypochondria + Pregnancy

Several people have asked me if I have experienced any pregnancy symptoms yet. I think Jen (James' mum) summed it up! Read on...

We told Jen and Graham we were pregnant on Tuesday via webcam and Skype. They started screaming and crying immediately - their reaction was priceless. Later in the conversation Graham asked me "Have you had any symptoms yet?" Jen interrupted and said, "It's Kelly, she's had them all!!!" It was hilarious and proves just how well Jen knows me. I am a known hypochondriac in my family. However, I have had bad luck with health in the past so I don't think the title is entirely deserved. Still, Jen was spot on this time. I have actually had all the stereotypical early pregnancy symptoms: morning sickness (for 2 weeks only thank goodness), major fatigue (falling asleep in malls is proof!), bloating, constipation, headaches, dizzy spells, swollen, painful breasts, horrible acne, cravings (beef, pickles, cherry ice cream, lemonade and green apples for the most part!), veins popping up all over my body like a road map, and more. Oh, and lots of cramping and weird twinges in my stomach in addition to low back pain - these symptoms are the worst because they can also be signs of miscarriage. Luckily, I have not had any bleeding or spotting whatsoever, even though it is normal for women to spot a little in pregnancy. I think that would really freak me out! It's been tough feeling so tired and under the weather especially when I have long days at work or exams at school. However, I am so happy to experience symptoms because I know it is affirmation that I am truly pregnant. I have to keep reminding myself that this is not a dream and I am actually going to hold CrockBaby in my arms in 6 months! It is so surreal to think about. Anyway, I have a full day at work again tomorrow so I'm off to bed for some much needed sleep. Love to you all.

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