Friday, April 27, 2007
St. James is coming!
I just wanted to share how excited I am that St. James returns on Monday. That's my parents' nickname for him; they say he must be a saint for taking me on! I didn't miss him as much as I expected the first two weeks (probably because I was so busy at work). However, my stomach has grown more this week and I have all these new maternity and baby clothes and now I just want him to be back here so we can be excited together again! Take your mind out of the gutter, I was not talking about that kind of excited (though James wishes I was!) Tuesday morning we have a doctor's appointment where we'll get to actually hear the heartbeat for the first time. Then James will fix the digital camera for me, whether he likes it or not. Expect pictures of baby clothes, my growing bump and various other odds and ends next week. It will be a photo extravaganza!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
James: Please come home!!!
ARGH! I am so not technologically minded. I can barely maintain this blog without the help of the daddy-to-be! Last week it was the scanner I couldn't find (I guess that one is not really my fault!) Then I couldn't crop the picture without James' help. Now our digital camera isn't working - I've changed the batteries, deleted the old pictures and it still refuses to remain on. I tried using our old digital camera but the quality is so horrible compared to what we're now used to, I would be ashamed to post the pictures on this high-tech blog. So, once again, no pictures for you!
Anyway, life is still swell for me. I had 4 days off from class and work this week-end. This was the first time I had more than 24 hours off since Christmas (and even when I have 24 hours off, I am almost always studying). Do you remember a couple weeks ago I mentioned my intentions to go for long walks in the sun, get a massage, go shopping? Well, I ended up sleeping for practically 4 days straight! I guess my body (and little babe) obviously needed it. I got out of bed to eat, pee (thank you very much overactive kidneys - I'm ready for this symptom to go away now), and watch DVDs under a blanket on the couch. I did manage to go shopping, albeit online. Gotta love E-Bay. I purchased 2 baby onesies especially for James (not literally) and will post pictures of them when they arrive (if James ever comes home to save me from this technological hell). I also purchased a huge lot of maternity clothes (at an amazing price!) so I can finally get out of the jeans and old fleece jacket I have been living in for over a month. True to my word, I did take a few walks around the lake, although not in the sun, as it rained most of the weekend. In addition, I had lunch (beef of course) with my grandma and mother on Sunday. Then I crammed for hours for Monday morning's Physiology exam (on the cardiovascular system). And just like that, my mini-vacation was over.
Now it's back to the grind - classes, work, studying. I have final exams in less than a month and although I won't be working quite as much at my job as I did the past 6 weeks, I can't work less than 20 hours a week since we've got another deadline (non-tax) coming up. 20 hours is actually a lot with 3 classes, 2 labs and final exams coming up. After finals are over, I work full-time (+ probable overtime) for 2 weeks to help my company move office, then I have 8 weeks of summer school. We're talking 5 hours of Microbiology a day. And although my future at my company is a bit unclear (due to the upcoming move and my inability to commute), I am hoping to still be working 20 hours a week through the summer (and perhaps longer). I can't wait until August when I will have 2-3 blissful months of no classes (or maybe just one for fun) and hopefully part-time work. This baby better not be born early or I'll never let him forget it! :) I haven't had more than 1 week off since we moved here almost 3 years ago and spent about a month looking for a job. I am a workaholic I suppose, but that is the American way. We wouldn't be able to afford a kid right now if James and I hadn't worked 24/7 for several years. Plus, for all my complaining, I honestly wouldn't have it any other way! I am a true Type A personality.
Anyway, I am rambling. Yes, it is my blog, but I don't want to lose all my readers so I think I should probably sign off before I bore you all to tears. I am going to go for a power walk before my 3 hour Physiology lab. Hope you all are well - I promise we'll get you some pictures eventually!
Anyway, life is still swell for me. I had 4 days off from class and work this week-end. This was the first time I had more than 24 hours off since Christmas (and even when I have 24 hours off, I am almost always studying). Do you remember a couple weeks ago I mentioned my intentions to go for long walks in the sun, get a massage, go shopping? Well, I ended up sleeping for practically 4 days straight! I guess my body (and little babe) obviously needed it. I got out of bed to eat, pee (thank you very much overactive kidneys - I'm ready for this symptom to go away now), and watch DVDs under a blanket on the couch. I did manage to go shopping, albeit online. Gotta love E-Bay. I purchased 2 baby onesies especially for James (not literally) and will post pictures of them when they arrive (if James ever comes home to save me from this technological hell). I also purchased a huge lot of maternity clothes (at an amazing price!) so I can finally get out of the jeans and old fleece jacket I have been living in for over a month. True to my word, I did take a few walks around the lake, although not in the sun, as it rained most of the weekend. In addition, I had lunch (beef of course) with my grandma and mother on Sunday. Then I crammed for hours for Monday morning's Physiology exam (on the cardiovascular system). And just like that, my mini-vacation was over.
Now it's back to the grind - classes, work, studying. I have final exams in less than a month and although I won't be working quite as much at my job as I did the past 6 weeks, I can't work less than 20 hours a week since we've got another deadline (non-tax) coming up. 20 hours is actually a lot with 3 classes, 2 labs and final exams coming up. After finals are over, I work full-time (+ probable overtime) for 2 weeks to help my company move office, then I have 8 weeks of summer school. We're talking 5 hours of Microbiology a day. And although my future at my company is a bit unclear (due to the upcoming move and my inability to commute), I am hoping to still be working 20 hours a week through the summer (and perhaps longer). I can't wait until August when I will have 2-3 blissful months of no classes (or maybe just one for fun) and hopefully part-time work. This baby better not be born early or I'll never let him forget it! :) I haven't had more than 1 week off since we moved here almost 3 years ago and spent about a month looking for a job. I am a workaholic I suppose, but that is the American way. We wouldn't be able to afford a kid right now if James and I hadn't worked 24/7 for several years. Plus, for all my complaining, I honestly wouldn't have it any other way! I am a true Type A personality.
Anyway, I am rambling. Yes, it is my blog, but I don't want to lose all my readers so I think I should probably sign off before I bore you all to tears. I am going to go for a power walk before my 3 hour Physiology lab. Hope you all are well - I promise we'll get you some pictures eventually!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Big day!
I told people at work I was pregnant...everyone was really excited for us, but then I wouldn't have expected anything less. I have great bosses and work with an incredible group of people. It's such a relief to know I don't have to keep holding files in front of my stomach while talking to colleagues anymore!
We also got the results back from our nuchal translucency screening test (taken during the ultrasound last week and also by blood test). Based on my age and the results of the tests, our baby has a 1 in 31,000 chance of having chromosomal abnormalities (which cause serious mental retardation). Needless to say, an amniocentosis test will not be necessary.
More tomorrow when I return from class and officially have 4 days off!!!
We also got the results back from our nuchal translucency screening test (taken during the ultrasound last week and also by blood test). Based on my age and the results of the tests, our baby has a 1 in 31,000 chance of having chromosomal abnormalities (which cause serious mental retardation). Needless to say, an amniocentosis test will not be necessary.
More tomorrow when I return from class and officially have 4 days off!!!
Monday, April 16, 2007
CrockBaby at 13 weeks...
I found the scanner (it was under a bunch of guitar cords on the floor of James' closet). Then I could not figure out how to crop it so I emailed the picture to James (everyone's favorite techie) and he performed the necessary (and I am told, quite easy) editing from Wisconsin. Here are the latest pictures of CrockBaby (taken one week ago)...

CrockBaby was moving like crazy again when the ultrasound started. He kept turning to face us and then would flip over the other way. He sucked his thumb and kept swallowing amniotic fluid - you can see his tongue sticking out in the fourth picture. The ultrasound technician was trying to get measurements but couldn't get one of the necessary ones because he was moving so much. Then, all of a sudden, movement stopped. CrockBaby fell asleep! And we could not wake him up for 10-15 minutes! The tech kept having me cough, move to each side, and more but my little baby was zonked from all the exercise. The tech kept prodding my stomach with the ultrasound wand and I wanted to hit her over the head with it because I was so worried she was going to hurt my little one. Finally, he woke up though and we were able to get the proper measurements. Everything looks great - he is growing fast and has a nice little belly on him. His heartbeat was 152 bpm, exactly what it should be at this stage. We go in to the doctor again in 2 weeks (we'll get to hear the heartbeat but probably no ultrasound at this appointment). Our next ultrasound is one month after that. I can't wait to see the little guy again (and figure out whether he really is a little guy or actually a little gal!)

CrockBaby was moving like crazy again when the ultrasound started. He kept turning to face us and then would flip over the other way. He sucked his thumb and kept swallowing amniotic fluid - you can see his tongue sticking out in the fourth picture. The ultrasound technician was trying to get measurements but couldn't get one of the necessary ones because he was moving so much. Then, all of a sudden, movement stopped. CrockBaby fell asleep! And we could not wake him up for 10-15 minutes! The tech kept having me cough, move to each side, and more but my little baby was zonked from all the exercise. The tech kept prodding my stomach with the ultrasound wand and I wanted to hit her over the head with it because I was so worried she was going to hurt my little one. Finally, he woke up though and we were able to get the proper measurements. Everything looks great - he is growing fast and has a nice little belly on him. His heartbeat was 152 bpm, exactly what it should be at this stage. We go in to the doctor again in 2 weeks (we'll get to hear the heartbeat but probably no ultrasound at this appointment). Our next ultrasound is one month after that. I can't wait to see the little guy again (and figure out whether he really is a little guy or actually a little gal!)
Friday, April 13, 2007
Pictures!!! To be continued...
Well, I was all set to post the latest pictures of CrockBaby tonight. James and I had a high-tech ultrasound on Monday (I am officially in the second trimester now). James left on tour later that day. Here it is, 5 days later, and I still haven't posted the pictures. The new daddy is not happy - he wants to see pictures of his little boy while he is on tour and away from the bump. (I have a major hunch CrockBaby is a boy. Start your betting - we find out in 7 weeks.) So anyway, I just got home from work and thought I'd better post these pictures before I get all comfy on the couch with my dinner and Friends re-runs. Guess what? I can't find the bloody scanner!!! Mr. Messy has hidden it away somewhere and I can't find it! James always gets on me for "tidying up" after him and now he has done exactly this to me (though I'll probably find it under a pile of dirty clothes or guitar magazines). So no pictures for you tonight.
I also wanted to let you all know that I am okay, James is okay, CrockBaby is okay. It's just been a killer week for me with the final tax deadline push (4 more days!) Then it will be schoolwork catch-up for a few days, then I have 4 days off from work and school (except for studying for one exam - there's always something!) Expect my blog posts to pick up again in about a week. Thanks to those of you who are posting comments...I am going to threaten to shut down the blog if more people don't leave comments. I know there are lurkers out there. :) James is doing great - he has had gigs in Illinois and Wisconsin now. It's snowing big time there! If you want to hear more about his rock star life, make sure you let him know. Maybe he'll post something for you all if he has time. CrockBaby is doing well. He is demanding more and more beef as my iron levels are low. Anemia is very common during pregnancy and I am borderline at the moment. Explains why I have been craving beef for weeks now! He also makes me pee every hour in the middle of the night and wakes me up at every single little noise. It's not very nice of him, especially around 4am when it takes me about 2 hours to get back to sleep (and then my alarm goes off at 7am). He must be training me to wake up every couple hours when he is nursing. I can't wait until we start feeling fetal movement! Apparently some women feel it as early as 14-15 weeks but most don't feel the first movement until around 20 weeks. I am hoping with our active baby, I'll feel it earlier. After all, he's practically doing cartwheels inside me right now! More to come about this when I post the latest pictures (if I ever find that darn scanner!)
Hugs all around...
I also wanted to let you all know that I am okay, James is okay, CrockBaby is okay. It's just been a killer week for me with the final tax deadline push (4 more days!) Then it will be schoolwork catch-up for a few days, then I have 4 days off from work and school (except for studying for one exam - there's always something!) Expect my blog posts to pick up again in about a week. Thanks to those of you who are posting comments...I am going to threaten to shut down the blog if more people don't leave comments. I know there are lurkers out there. :) James is doing great - he has had gigs in Illinois and Wisconsin now. It's snowing big time there! If you want to hear more about his rock star life, make sure you let him know. Maybe he'll post something for you all if he has time. CrockBaby is doing well. He is demanding more and more beef as my iron levels are low. Anemia is very common during pregnancy and I am borderline at the moment. Explains why I have been craving beef for weeks now! He also makes me pee every hour in the middle of the night and wakes me up at every single little noise. It's not very nice of him, especially around 4am when it takes me about 2 hours to get back to sleep (and then my alarm goes off at 7am). He must be training me to wake up every couple hours when he is nursing. I can't wait until we start feeling fetal movement! Apparently some women feel it as early as 14-15 weeks but most don't feel the first movement until around 20 weeks. I am hoping with our active baby, I'll feel it earlier. After all, he's practically doing cartwheels inside me right now! More to come about this when I post the latest pictures (if I ever find that darn scanner!)
Hugs all around...
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Tax season finale week
Thank goodness tax season is over on April 17th. I will then be able to tell my bosses I am pregnant. I could tell them now, but I think it would be selfish of me to take some of their attention away from the almighty deadline. There is no reason my news can not wait for another week or so. Provided my stomach doesn't grow any bigger in the next week! At the moment I am wearing super-loose flowing tunic tops so I can try to hide the swelling bump. Last night I took BART (the subway) back to Oakland after working all day and then going to see the Killers in concert. The train was packed like sardines. A nice college-age man offered me his seat! Other people are now starting to notice that I'm showing (or maybe it was the fact that I was holding my stomach because people kept bumping into me and I am already an overprotective mother). Seriously though, my stomach has really popped out this week. I have put on a total of 4 pounds since conception and can feel that my uterus has extended past my pubic bones. It is so exciting to watch my stomach grow! Anyway, once again, I have major studying to do so I will say good-bye for now. Things will quiet down a bit for me with work and school in about 2 weeks at which point I plan to take some "me" time while James is on tour. I may splash out on a massage, take some longs walks in the sun, buy some cheap maternity tops, maybe even a baby onesie or two. I can't wait! Happy Easter!!!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
We're still here...
No, I haven't given up on the blog after 1 week! It is spring break week for me from school so I am working 60 hours this week at the accounting firm (since taxes are due April 17). Spring break, woohoo!!! Add 1.5 hours of commute time and a lunch hour each day and it amounts to me leaving the house at 8am and returning around 8pm (Saturday too). Still, CrockBaby's savings continues to grow so I'm happy. I feel lucky and proud that over the past few years, James and I have been able to pay off our student loans and other debt and actually start saving for our family. All I want is for this baby to be loved and looked after properly. Jessica, who is by far the reigning commenting champion of this site, will be the head non-grandparental babysitter. Jessica is the first person I have hit it off with since moving back to the Bay Area almost 3 years ago. (What can I say? I am really choosy about who I spend my time with!) She is as excited as I was when Hannah was expecting Rowan. It's hard when you're young, love babies and children, but don't know many people who have babies yet. I remember; in fact, I am still experiencing this. So Auntie Jessie is going to be allowed to get her baby fix with CrockBaby as much as she wants. Provided we don't have to pay her. ;) Jess is a children's dance teacher so she can teach the baby all the right moves, something her/his mother certainly never learned, and definitely not something the father ever learned (though he would be sure to dispute this!) Anyway, I better go get some studying done as not only am I working crazy hours this week, I have 2 exams at school next week! AARRGGHH!!! I can do it. I know I can. It's all for CrockBaby's future. Thanks again for all the incredible support and kind words everyone keeps sharing with us! More pics and blogs to come next week, I promise! CrockDaddy the "Y chromosome provider" leaves for a 3 week East Coast tour on Monday so I will have to keep updating the site daily for him, even if no one else visits the site!
Monday, April 2, 2007
Hi from Dad
Kelly was worried this blog was making her look like a single mum so I thought I ought to contribute something. While Kelly has another six months of hormonal imbalance, mood swings and morning sickness to deal with, I have six months of dealing with a hormonally imbalanced, moody, sick Kelly. Luckily I've known her for 7 years now so I'm well practiced. My contribution to the baby was over all too quickly; for me it's now a matter of waiting and planning. We are going to rearrange the house to make better use of our space and convert our laundry room to a nursery so I should be kept busy when I return from my band's east coast tour. We are both still on cloud nine at the moment and I'm not sure it'll feel real until there's a baby in my arms. I can't wait for October, sleepnessness, dirty nappies and all.
As our baby will be an American we're thinking of names like Randy, Sue-Ellen or Cletus. Maybe a good Oakland name like Laquitia or Jamaall. Any suggestions?
Thanks to everybody who has contacted us with their best wishes and congratulations over the last week.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Sunday Special: Worshipping the Newborn
James and I went to visit my childhood friend Nathalie and her husband Wellington today. Nathalie gave birth to their first child, Kalil Etienne, 5 days ago and was kind enough to invite us over to visit the little guy. He was 7lb, 6oz at birth and is the smallest baby I have ever seen. It was my first time holding a baby less than two weeks old and I loved every second of it. James was marvelling over his expressive facial features, while I just couldn't stop thinking about how I have a little one growing inside me right now. Kalil is the most wonderful newborn - he barely cried and was happy lying in the sun and looking around. Congratulations Nathalie and Wellington!!!
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