CrockBaby was moving like crazy again when the ultrasound started. He kept turning to face us and then would flip over the other way. He sucked his thumb and kept swallowing amniotic fluid - you can see his tongue sticking out in the fourth picture. The ultrasound technician was trying to get measurements but couldn't get one of the necessary ones because he was moving so much. Then, all of a sudden, movement stopped. CrockBaby fell asleep! And we could not wake him up for 10-15 minutes! The tech kept having me cough, move to each side, and more but my little baby was zonked from all the exercise. The tech kept prodding my stomach with the ultrasound wand and I wanted to hit her over the head with it because I was so worried she was going to hurt my little one. Finally, he woke up though and we were able to get the proper measurements. Everything looks great - he is growing fast and has a nice little belly on him. His heartbeat was 152 bpm, exactly what it should be at this stage. We go in to the doctor again in 2 weeks (we'll get to hear the heartbeat but probably no ultrasound at this appointment). Our next ultrasound is one month after that. I can't wait to see the little guy again (and figure out whether he really is a little guy or actually a little gal!)
Oh how cute!! so detailed for such an early scan, with the lil tongue sticking out!! just like it's ma ; )
gotta get to work now, but later I'll make sure the Brit contigent are keeping up to date with events.
Much Love
H & da boys
You really do have a baby in there!! I can't believe how much there is to see so early on. Love you!
Kelly, I just got the awesome news today!! I am thrilled for you and James and your family and friends. Your website is great and I will stay tuned for further developments
Thanks, but who is this Mr/Mrs. Anonymous? Please unveil yourself!
tax season is over!!! yay! oh the relief! so when are you going to tell everyone?
I tell the bosses today, if they have time. If they are still super busy, then it will be next Friday as I have over a week off from work after today!
You think the last picture shows the little person's tongue? Given where James usually keeps his, don't you think it could be a guitar pick?
Could be! But then again, I think I would have remembered swalling a guitar pick! :)
How annoying! My own blog and I can't even edit my own comments. I meant to say "swallowing" but then I'm sure you realized "swalling" wasn't some king of American slang (except maybe in Appalachia?)
And again!!! "Kind" not "king!" Man, this baby is messing with my writing!!!
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