Kelly was worried this blog was making her look like a single mum so I thought I ought to contribute something. While Kelly has another six months of hormonal imbalance, mood swings and morning sickness to deal with, I have six months of dealing with a hormonally imbalanced, moody, sick Kelly. Luckily I've known her for 7 years now so I'm well practiced. My contribution to the baby was over all too quickly; for me it's now a matter of waiting and planning. We are going to rearrange the house to make better use of our space and convert our laundry room to a nursery so I should be kept busy when I return from my band's east coast tour. We are both still on cloud nine at the moment and I'm not sure it'll feel real until there's a baby in my arms. I can't wait for October, sleepnessness, dirty nappies and all.
As our baby will be an American we're thinking of names like Randy, Sue-Ellen or Cletus. Maybe a good Oakland name like Laquitia or Jamaall. Any suggestions?
Thanks to everybody who has contacted us with their best wishes and congratulations over the last week.
How about Homer?
I'm just praying you're joking!
Gosh, when it said "Hi from Dad" I thought that meant Bruno! We are all going to have to get used to new names and titles. Any thought what Graham, Jenny, Bruno, Darby and the Great Grandmothers will be called? How lucky for this baby to have four grandparents and two great grandparents. We are very happy for you. (Cletus and the Burners is a bluegrass band so I think Cletus will have to be eliminated as a possible name).
I thought of something while on the bus the other day....James was joking about Oakland Oakland would it be to have your blog names: Crockbaby mama and Crockbaby daddy. You can say lame, I don't mind!!
Not lame, Jess, it would be quite fitting for my parents! ;) I was trying to think of names for them as well and the best I could come up with was Ma (pronounced "Maw" and Pop for southern, bluegrass roots.
My parents are 'Granta' and 'Nana' to my sister's two kids, so that still leaves all the sensible grandparent names for Darby and Bruno to choose from. My Grandmother wanted to be known as either 'Grandmama' (some sort of Jane Austin affectation) or 'Big Momma Davey' (insanity), but they never really caught on.
oh, no Jim, we have had to practice "Grandmama" and now he has to say it everytime we see nan. Poor Ro. His reward for getting the "who am I?" answer right is a big sloppy hug and kiss. I wonder how long he will keep it going for. . .
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