18w5d pregnant

James likes the glamour shots with no flash

18w5d, 9 pounds, 100+ servings of beef, 8 jars of pickles, 20 gallons of milk, 300 restless nights, 60 headaches, 18 nauseous mornings, 5,000,000 smiles, 100,000,000,000 minutes of daydreaming, 300 cuddles with James, and over 500,000 trips to the restroom*
*all numbers except the first 2 are estimated by a very hormonal woman
girl you are huge!! are you sure you don't have twins in there? no no, you look great and healthy!! i'm so excited to see you soon. love you
I know, crazy big, huh? CrockBaby must be loving his food the past few weeks because I swear, every week I double in size! I wonder if I will be able to stand up come 9 months?!!!
Do you think your belly button will pop out?
Perhaps! That would be quite cool actually, provided it pops back in again after the pregnancy!
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