Unfortunately, they are not actually all that clear. I was expecting to see a lot more because the baby is so much bigger than he was at the 13 week ultrasound. Plus, you see all these incredibly clear ultrasounds on the internet, but a lot of those are the 3-D and color ones. Having said that, we could see a lot more on the screen than you can in the pictures - it was pretty incredible to see the various parts of his brain and the 4 separate chambers of his heart, especially since I just completed my Anatomy course. I also found it very cool that Dorian is so big now, the tech couldn't fit him all on one screen - she had to move the wand across my abdomen a lot more. She did prod me a lot like last time (to try to get him to move). Luckily, James held my hands down so I wouldn't hit her. After she had looked at Dorian, a doctor came in to do a second check. He was much more gentle (probably more used to lawsuits from worried moms-to-be). He told us Dorian was very healthy and judging by the size of his cerebellum, he has an IQ of 200! Just like his parents.

Top left and right pictures - Dorian's face (looking straight at you)
Bottom left - Dorian's active foot
Bottom right - Dorian's man package (see the little arrow pointing down on it)

All four pictures - Dorian's profile (see the Brandli & Crocker features?)
I was always disturbed by the front-view face ultrasound because the baby looked like Skeletor. I think a 3-D ultrasound would be cool, that way you could see the shape of the baby better... or you can just wait for him to be born like everyone else!
We'll probably wait, just like everyone else. Maybe when I have my next kid (I know, slow down!)
3-D ultrasounds will be routine.
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