Monday, July 30, 2007

27 years old and pregnant

I celebrated my 27th birthday on July 24th. It was a very relaxing day with my favorite pregnancy necessities: food (beef and ice cream), activities (eating and napping), and people (parents and James). 27 years old sounds very adult to me, but then I must remember, if I am having a child, I must be an adult! In May 2006 I saw my general practitioner for a check-up and mentioned that James and I were trying for a baby. She looked at my chart and said, "Oh, so you'll be 26 when you have your first child. That's pretty close." She proceeded to tell me her theory (from 30+ years of medical experience) that 27 is the perfect age to have your first child. She said she has watched hundreds of women become pregnant and start families and has found that on average, 27 is the prime age for pregnancy. She told me she based this on optimal physical and mental health, ease of labor, recovery time, financial and emotional stability and more. So, I guess our miscarriage last summer proved her right. My body obviously wanted to wait until I was 27 to have my first child. And what a big first child he will be...

Monday, July 23, 2007

Home stretch!

I'm in the third trimester now. 7 months pregnant this week. You'll get a belly picture eventually. Remember the theme of this blog? No pictures for you. ;)

James and I have both been busier than I ever thought possible. He leaves for a 3 week tour in 4 days, so has been rushing around preparing for that, gigging, teaching and helping my dad paint the first room in our flat. As you know, I had a 17 page paper and an exam in Microbiology last week, plus work and a whole situation with a turtle we're trying to rescue. Long, long story - basically, we found a turtle in our yard but no one wants it and none of the shelters will take it. He has been out of his natural habitat for over a month (he is an aquatic turtle). I have spent hours and hours trying to find someone who will take him in. I don't even like turtles, so I must really be nuts to spend so much time helping him. I just don't want an animal to die in our yard.

Anyway, on top of all this I am really starting to feel pregnant now. Still loving every minute of being pregnant and probably having it easier than most, but I can tell I am now in the third trimester. The first trimester was somewhat rough. The second trimester was easy for the most part. Now, just as I've heard, things are getting a little more challenging. This week, Dorian has been up to his old tricks of using my bladder as a mattress. I have peed no less than 10 times a night all week. Plus I wake up at EVERY little noise and then it can take me an hour to fall back asleep. I am exhausted. I started having intense back and hip pain this week and my femurs (thigh bones) ache when I lie on them for more than an hour. Since I can't sleep on my back or stomach (not good for baby or blood flow to placenta), I have no choice but to lie on them. Needless to say, I have not felt 100% this week. Friday morning was so bad, I woke up and was convinced I was back in the first trimester...I was soooooo nauseated. I am sure this was from exhaustion. I had to call in sick to work - I was so bummed because it was the first sick day I have had in over a year and I was determined to make it through this pregnancy without any!

Now before all you start lecturing me - "Oh, you think you're tired now!" "Just you wait until the baby is born." "This is nothing!" - I don't want to hear it. This is my blog and I can complain if I want to. There's a huge difference between being 7 months pregnant, churning out 17 page Microbiology papers, commuting to HMB and working 10 hour days and caring for a baby where I can stay in bed all day with the baby and hopefully be able to sleep when the baby is sleeping. It's going to be easy caring for a newborn, right? Piece of cake! ;)

I better sign off for now and get on to my to-do list. You have no idea how much we have to do before this baby is born. We have a to-do list the length of Homer's The Odyssey. Finish summer school, start and complete nursing applications, baby classes, CPR classes (for nursing school), work in HMB, continue my 1-1.5 hour daily power walks (I am convinced this is helping me stay sane and have a healthy pregnancy), various doctor appointments for me (I start seeing the doctor every 2 weeks instead of every month now), sort out pediatrician, health insurance, passport and more for Dorian, buy the rest of the baby stuff we need, go through all our junk, organize the house, hypnotherapy for hypnobirthing, read 3 books and do daily exercises assigned to me by hypnotherapist, move from room to room in our house as each room gets painted....our house is a complete mess because of the renovations and painting. It will probably be like this until early October. I know it will be worth it in the end, but right now, I have to keep reminding myself that it's good to be busy!!! Sometimes I wish I had a personal assistant to help me out with all my tasks. I'd love to be one of those pregnant women who could sit in a garden with ice tea and a book for 9 months...then again, do they even exist anymore?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

No comment? No posting!

So if you've been wondering why I haven't written in almost 2 weeks, it's because I'm on strike. I have decided that until more people start leaving comments, why should I bother posting? I don't work for nothing, you know.

Just kidding (though I do appreciate comments!) I have been massively busy with my Microbiology class. I just turned in a 17 page paper and have our third exam this Thursday. I will write more once the exam is over. Especially if you all promise to start leaving comments (those of you who already comment - thank you and keep up the good work!)

James is going to take a picture of me tomorrow so you can see the belly growth. Dorian's definitely cooking now!!!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Is it wrong to find this so funny?

Okay, normally I don't like it when parents make their kids do cute things for the camera or train them to perform routines (particularly ones that are WAY too mature for them). Kids are naturally cute and should stay young forever. I know I won't let Dorian grow up.

Having said that, this is the funniest video I have seen in a long time!!! I had to post it. I laughed out loud for a good ten minutes. If you haven't seen the Beyonce "Crazy in Love" video, you probably won't find it quite as funny (though still cute).

How is it that even a toddler can dance better than me?!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Pregnancy Developments

This has to be quick as I am supposed to be studying for a Microbiology exam (ah, procrastination - I am so good at it!)

Recent developments in our world:

1. I am 25 weeks pregnant.
2. Dorian has really been moving like crazy, and his movements are getting stronger by the day. So much so that we can now see the movement on the outside of my belly as it happens. It looks like I am exhaling (when I'm not).
3. James sang to the baby while resting his head on my belly 2 nights ago. Apparently, Dorian either loved this or hated this because he kicked James in the face twice! It was hilarious.
4. My breasts started leaking this week. It is a clear to yellowish fluid called colostrum and may or may not increase up until (and obviously, after) the birth. A little weird, but as it's normal, I'll take it. I thought about posting some pictures on the blog, but then decided some might view this as obscene. I know you Brits wouldn't, but I have to remember half our readers are American and not used to "indecent" exposure of the boobies.
5. A couple people have asked me what the status is on my job with the accounting firm - I realized I forgot to update you all on this after I helped out with the big office move. I am working 10 hours a day on Fridays and Saturdays through August 4th (when my class is completed). I am commuting to Half Moon Bay, which is something I would not do if this were a full-time job. However, since I only have to commute twice a week, it's not too bad. My employers and I have not discussed my future after August 4th so stay tuned.

As tomorrow is July 4th, I'll leave you with a heartfelt "Happy Independence Day!" Whatever.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Equation babies!

Congratulations to James' former band mates Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman! Kath gave birth naturally to twin girls yesterday on the night of a Blue Moon in England. She and the babies are doing well. Welcome to the world, Poppy and Lilly! We can't wait for you to meet Dorian at Christmas - maybe you'll make beautiful music together like your parents do.

James and I met while he was touring the US with Equation in 2000. Click here to hear a clip of Equation song "Mother and Child." Shameless promotion time: If you're interested in purchasing a CD, please contact me! :) Equation was and still is one of my favorite bands ever, and not just because I love their electric guitarist.

Kath and Sean now play as a folk duo. As you all know (or should know by now!!!), James now plays in the band Tempest.