I celebrated my 27th birthday on July 24th. It was a very relaxing day with my favorite pregnancy necessities: food (beef and ice cream), activities (eating and napping), and people (parents and James). 27 years old sounds very adult to me, but then I must remember, if I am having a child, I must be an adult! In May 2006 I saw my general practitioner for a check-up and mentioned that James and I were trying for a baby. She looked at my chart and said, "Oh, so you'll be 26 when you have your first child. That's pretty close." She proceeded to tell me her theory (from 30+ years of medical experience) that 27 is the perfect age to have your first child. She said she has watched hundreds of women become pregnant and start families and has found that on average, 27 is the prime age for pregnancy. She told me she based this on optimal physical and mental health, ease of labor, recovery time, financial and emotional stability and more. So, I guess our miscarriage last summer proved her right. My body obviously wanted to wait until I was 27 to have my first child. And what a big first child he will be...

OMG you are huge! In a good way, of course. I haven't seen you in almost two months, you've done a lot of growing in that time.
not sure whether 27 is the ideal age or no. your mum told me you seem so happy as a pregnant woman they wish you'd been knocked up at 15!
I don't know you but I think its great your having a child at your age. I'm 24 and very happy with it being just my husband and I. We want kids, no doubt about that! Just want to wait for many reasons. I cant tell you how many young women look at me like something is wrong with me or my marriage is bad because I didn't get pregnant years ago. Even one of my friends now acts like shes so much better than me because shes having a kid at 20; even tells me she feels sorry for women who wait and that its pointless (ouch!). I cant wait to have kids and when we do we will be ready ^_^
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