Saturday, October 13, 2007

Forget about natural childbirth...

Bring on the membrane stripping and inductions!!! I don't think I can take much more of this wait. I have never been so bored or antsy in all my life. And I am so emotional it is ridiculous. I can't get the laptop to play DVD's, I have no books to read and my house is so clean you could eat cereal out of the toilet bowls. I am dying to go for a long walk but I can't because I don't want Dorian to arrive before James gets back.

I can totally see how women end up changing their birth plans at the last minute and accepting Pitocin drips, membrane stripping, painkillers, c-sections, etc. I thought I would never, ever, ever in a million years even consider any of this. I got to tell you, if my doctor called me at home today and offered to fit me in for a c-section tonight (leaving James time to get back), I would totally accept.

This sucks. I think I'll go vacuum the rugs and mop the kitchen floor again. Then I can take my second shower of the day. It should be snack time by the time I have finished, and then maybe I'll be ready for a nap. If I'm lucky, I'll sleep through until morning! Tomorrow afternoon I am going for a massively long walk because I figure, even if I do go into labor before James returns, he should still get back in time. Did I mention how much I hate not being active??? Thanks for letting me rant a bit. I do feel better for it!


Anonymous said...

Aah Kel, its tough I know. I can remember it all now! It's different for everyone though. I still had loads of stuff to do like get all my photos into albums etc. I guess you've done all that stuff already. . . probably even before you got pregnant! fingers crossed it's Early next week mate. I can't wait to see him either! Much love to you, xxx

Kelly said...

And you had Rowan 10 days early, you lucky cow! ;) I think I was dilating more last night though as I had loads of cramping, pelvic pressure and irregular contractions. Maybe tonight or tomorrow (just in time for James to come home)???