I have been majorly cranky and emotional all day long (poor James!) I am having lower back contractions (though not often enough to time yet). I have had a lot of pelvic pressure, in addition to twinges and tingles "down there." I have been having hot flashes all day long. I currently have diarrhea and felt that nauseated feeling in the back of my throat earlier in the day. I have been cleaning like crazy (this is nothing new though!) All symptoms of early labor. Could tomorrow be the day??? Or is my body simply preparing for what may happen in a week or two? My parents just returned from Nashville this evening - they think Dorian was just waiting for them to come back. Jessica bet that today would be the day, Erika bet on tomorrow. Stay tuned!
And just in case this is my last day of being pregnant, we thought we should post some pictures...

Sounds like the textbook definition of early labor!!!
I'm so excited for you. Savor your remaining moments of pregnancy. Keep us updated.
I can't wait to meet Dorian!! He is so lucky to be brought into such a loving family!
Oh I hope it's all signs of labor! Here's to hoping all is well and you deliver very very soon! :-D
Still having symptoms (and now insomnia!) but contractions have decreased overnight. I still think today might be the day though - I will be sure to post again if labor signs pick up later.
Kelly I am checking your blog religiously! I still have 12 and a half hours to be right :)
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