Dorian had his second official doctor's appointment on Friday and weighed in at 8 pounds, 3.75 ounces. He has put on nearly 11 ounces over his birth weight! That is huge for the first week. Most doctors are happy if the newborn reaches his birth weight by the second appointment (babies tend to lose weight in the first few days following their birth). Dorian has been eating like crazy all week. No breastfeeding issues here! He loves his milk and so far, we have had a very easy time of breastfeeding. My nipples were sore for the first couple days but feel old and experienced now.
Dorian's umbilical cord stump fell off on Tuesday, his one week birthday. This meant that James and I could give Dori his first real bath (only sponge baths were allowed until the cord had dried and fallen off). Dori loved the bath. He became so calm and relaxed the instant he hit the warm water...
But absolutely hated getting out!
Luckily, he is getting really good at finding his hand to suck on. It calms him almost instantly...
James left for a week-end of gigging yesterday. It was so hard for him to say good-bye! He is technically only away for one night (he'll return home late tonight), but anyone would have thought he was leaving forever. Boy, does my husband love his little son. I'm lucky if I get to hold Dori at all when James is around!
Of course, I am exaggerating, I do get some time with him (not to mention all the feedings!). I hadn't realized how tired I looked until I saw this picture!
This was the new mommy fatigued look I was expecting to hit straight away. I don't actually feel that tired, but I know it will catch up with me eventually. Dorian typically sleeps about 1.5-3 hours at a time, with one 4 hour stretch in the afternoon. Today I woke him from that nap, as well as subsequent naps, in the hopes that maybe he'll crash hard tonight. Dorian is such a good baby. He does not cry unless he's hungry. Hopefully, he will remain a fuss-free baby! After each sleep, Dorian feeds (sometimes twice!), has his diaper changed (also sometimes twice!) and then is awake and alert for anywhere from 10-90 minutes. During his alert time, we sing to him, talk to him and walk around the house with him. Next week, we'll start "playing" with him. Anyone have any tips on how to play with a newborn without overstimulating him?
Speaking of awake time, Dorian is starting to stir from his 100th nap of the day, so I'll leave you with yet another picture of our favorite boy (can you tell he's gotten bigger?)
YES!!! Dori is DEFINITELY growing! (He has some big paws too =)) the better to manage that new electric guitar that Santa is trying to fit into his sleigh-lol!
Play...I would mostly just talk to Brendan. He did have this caterpillar toy that had different textured fabrics. And each section was stuffed with something different so one squeaked, one crinkled, one rattled, etc. As he got a bit older we had a "washcloth" game. Basically peek-a-boo, but I'd draw the washcloth down over his face slowly rather than jerk it away and he always smiled. But I remember he really liked the different textured objects. My nephew (6 months old now) is much the same.
He IS growing fast! And so much hair!!!
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