Yesterday was the worst day of my life. Dorian was so sick. We had a really tough night again on Wednesday night - lots of coughing, gagging, screaming when coughing. Everyone still thought it was just a cold but I started to doubt this when we began hearing constant rattling noises in his chest. He also became so pale and threw up A LOT of milk after one of his coughing fits. Then came the deep sleep and fever - almost 101 degrees (anything over 100.5 in a newborn is considered potentially dangerous and you are urged to go see a doctor). So off we went to Okehampton Medical Center, about 15 minutes from James' parents' house. I was very impressed - I wasn't expecting much for a small country town hospital. They got us in to see a doctor within 5 minutes of arriving and she was amazing. Dorian's cold had spread to his chest so he was prescribed a 5 day course of antibiotics and Paracetamol (acetaminophen aka Tylenol) to lower the fever. After 24 hours on the meds, he is a completely different baby. He is still coughing, but seems so much calmer and happier. He was MISERABLE yesterday and last night. And so was I. I am so relieved he is okay and that he received wonderful care. Now we can enjoy the last week of our trip. James and I both have a cold (the original virus Dorian had) but we are functioning just fine. We have a million people to see over the next week, and so many family obligations for the holidays. It is so exciting! I will post more pictures before Christmas Eve. Hope everyone is doing well - I hear it's been raining in the Bay Area. It rained the first day we arrived in England but has been sunny (albeit extremely cold and windy) ever since.

Oh, Kelly, James and Dorian!
I'm so sorry to hear you are all ill! And I'm also glad to know that Dorian is feeling better now. I hope you all dry up before F.C. and the reindeer gang hit the shingles.
Feel better guys, and have a wonderful Holiday!
Miss you!
he looks just like james in that last pic. poor dori!! i think i have the same cold. i'm glad you guys are awesome parents and he can get better so quickly. i miss you guys and can't wait until you return and i visit.
love you!
Glad to hear young Dori is feeling better-hoping this day brings you both improvement too. Do take, will be good to have you home!
It is terrifying the first time your baby gets sick. I'm so sorry that it happened (all three of you sick!) during this trip.
Take care :-D
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