Friday, January 25, 2008
Work update and a very cool picture
I know a long blog is in order, but I have no time at the moment. I have returned to work! My bosses were so understanding about the Half Moon Bay office being too far, not to mention the fact that Dorian is still not solidly taking the bottle. I am doing telecommuting work at the moment, and will hopefully be working some days/halfdays in the small San Francisco office once Dorian can bear to be parted from me. I may also help out a few days in Half Moon Bay around the tax deadlines, although James will be on tour, so we'll need to see if that is possible. I am working about 20 hours a week. Anyway, we haven't quite figured out how to make this work (without me doing the work at night once Dorian has gone to sleep, which then cuts into my sleep time). Dorian is still sleeping horribly - he has a 2-4 hours stretch at the beginning of the night (if I'm lucky) and is then up every hour. And teething. But more on that soon, and on his nursery which is finally finished! I need to spend today working since James is home until 5pm. I will post a major update some time this week-end. We have loads of cute pictures. Here is one that Cindy photoshopped for us. Cindy is one of the Tempest fans and a NICU nurse who has given me some awesome baby advice. She saw the picture on the blog a few weeks ago (with my text "Insert guitar here") and said she couldn't pass up the challenge. By the way, it is James' guitar!

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That is a cool picture. For a moment I didn't realize it was a PhotoShop job and I thought, "Damn! That's a pretty awesome toy guitar."
Awesome picture :-) Cindy is an angel...
Good luck with the transitioning. It's tough and anyone that hasn't had kids and needed to work won't really understand just how tough it is for you to get back into the "pre-parent" swing of things. And even when you do, it's not the same.
And seeing what an incredible, seamless job Cindy did on that picture makes me realize I need to work on my PhotoShop skills! lol
Blimey...first chord and it's a G9 flattened 13th ! Wouldn't it have been easier to start him on a G major?
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