James doesn't need my milk to stop Dorian from crying. He merely has to pick up a guitar and start playing. Dorian can be screaming his head off and this will make him stop instantly. It's amazing. The other day James plopped Dorian down next to him on the couch when he was having a crying fit and did what he usually does. Look at what happened next...
Isn't this little boy made to play guitar? Look at those eyes...he is going to be a heartbreaking rock star some day!
Dorian learns very quickly. He soon figured out that his hand needed to come up from UNDER the neck! James said, "It was done so purposefully - he knew what he was doing." It is so true. This was no accident. He was mimicking his daddy. Little genius!!!
i love that dorian can sit like a big boy (with a little back support)! those are great pictures of father and son. i haven't seen a james post in quite some time!
Maybe I have to leave him my old Martin in my will. There are a lot of guitars in this household. Pretty amazing for a four month old to grab a chord. California Grandma
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