So no headers on these pictures again...I figure you can work them out. The ones with the cell phone are when James and Dori were talking - Dori really knows it's his daddy - he smiles and tries to eat the phone. :) The ones with the other baby (his friend Denali from my moms' group) were at our first music class yesterday - Dorian LOVED it. He smiled the whole time (not for the pictures though, of course). And, he was really starting to interact with the other kids! Although, I think it was just because he thought "Ooh, something new to chew on!" He was really going for Denali's ear!
In Dori news - he is not letting me exercise because he hates his strollers at the moment. All three of them. He'll last about 5 minutes and then start screaming and I end up carrying him AND pushing the stroller. Not the workout I had in mind. He wants to be carried and held ALL THE TIME. Even at home. It's been very difficult to get work done this week because he doesn't even want to hang out in his jumperoo or playmat at the moment. He is a little fussy. Maybe he knows his daddy is gone and everything is "off?" He also says "Mum," "Mom," and "Mummy" all the can see where we got those words from! But it makes it very hard when he's crying while I'm peeing in the other room..."Mum, mum, mum" he says. It's all I can do not to run to him with my pants round my ankles!!! He is sitting up for longer and longer periods of time. He keeps rolling over onto his tummy and then not knowing how to get back. It is very cute. Last night, he kept doing it over and over and over again in his crib. I'd put him on his back and he'd flip onto his stomach and not be able to get back over again and he'd start crying hysterically. But he just didn't learn! I must have gone in there 8 times! He is still waking every 1-3 hours. Although last night I went to bed with him at 7pm because I was so exhausted. He slept until midnight! Maybe he just needs me to sleep with him ALL THE TIME? I don't know. Anyway, we're off to a moms' group picnic at Lake Temescal. The weather is gorgeous and hot here at the moment. Dorian will try out his new shorts, sunglasses and sunscreen today and play with 8 other babies. Pictures to come in a couple days, of course! In the meantime...

sorry about your computer drama! what a bummer. those are some pretty adorable pics of dori. i'm getting more and more excited to see you guys!! i love the one where he looks like he is purposely making a sad face. love you!
His sitting looks great!
We are also at Music Together... are you guys doing the "Maracas" session? Mather has loved listening to the CD's at home. Dan says she dances like a total fool at class, and claps after each song and says, "yea!" I haven't been able to go with them yet, but I will soon.
Jess, I know, I love that picture too. Dori reminds me so much of James' dad Graham in that photo! It's a family joke that he pouts when he doesn't get the dinner he wants and I swear, Dorian looks exactly like him when he does that.
Emily - yes, we're in the Maracas session too! It will be great for you to check it out. I know James is looking forward to returning so he can take Dori to the class. I didn't realize it was a program that met outside the East Bay as well. Very bummed about this actually. I was all excited to support a "local" group - I specifically didn't sign Dori up for the Gymboree music class because I wanted to support a local group. Sigh. Disposable diapers and now corporate music classes. What is becoming of me???
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