Dorian has been helping me work this week-end - sitting in his high chair and playing quietly next to my "office." He has been rolling over like crazy! I put him to bed last night in his crib - on his back in the middle of it. He was awake and talking to himself. Several minutes later I heard screaming. I went into his room, and he had somehow managed to roll over onto his stomach perpendicularly in the crib (head and feet against the side rails, not head and foot of the bed). He was stuck! He has done the same thing on his play mat and even rolls off it now. I think it's time to break out the playpen! He had lunch with his Grandma and Gamma (what my Grandma wants to be called) and was the little charmer he always is. He let Stella, my parents' dog, lick his face. He played. He took a bath, after pooping all over himself. I left him on the changing table (strapped in, of course) to air out a bit and look at his hanging mobile. I came back a few minutes later and he had had a massive poop. It was everywhere! Feet, legs, back, hands - luckily not face or hair (or my pristine walls). Little monster. He took a long nap yesterday and has been napping for 45 minutes on average, 2-3 times a day. Much better than 20-30 minutes, 1-2 times a day! He still wakes up every 2 hours at night, but he does not feed every time! This is progress. I just cuddle him or rock him and he goes back to sleep. Anyway, I can't be bothered to write captions and I really need to do some work so here are the best of the pictures from the past two days...

Wowsers... I am pleased to say that we've NEVER had a poop like THAT!! However, when Mather eats lots of blueberries, her diapers smell like blueberry bagels - sweet and fruity... bizarre!
Such a beautiful baby. Great photos. California Grandma
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