Picture time:
After arriving home from Karfluki Fest, Dori got to see his Auntie Jess (my good friend who recently moved to San Diego) again.

He even managed a smile for one of the pictures.

Grandpa took him on some walks to our neighborhood coffee shop and got him his first balloon.

He passed out on Daddy later that day.

He's just about outgrown his little foam seat...he still likes to eat it though.

Looks like he's outgrown his bouncy seat too - look at him arch his back to try and get out! He actually managed to get his shoulders and head above the chair the other day, so I have packed it away.

He still loves his baths.

Especially with lots of toys.

He can now grab the hanging toys on his jumperoo.

And eat them, of course.

He's been spending loads of time standing up in his playpen.

He went to music class and met up with his friend Denali.

They even showed some interest in each other.

Dorian played the drum.

Then passed out in the car after class.

He went to my moms' group picnic on Saturday and hung out with all his friends.

He and Abby managed to spend some time alone together at the picnic. They ate toys.

He passed out in the sun afterwards.

We went to see Dori's daddy play at the Whole Earth Festival in Davis yesterday. James loves it when we come to gigs with him so he can play with Dori during his breaks.

It was wonderful to spend time together at an outdoors festival.

Dori played with some older babies at the festival...he's really getting socialized now!

Guess Dori didn't want a hug from Mama on Mother's Day!

Thumbs up, dudes!

Haha! Thumbs up, Baby!
even if dori wasn't happy in your mother's day photo, you look amazing!!
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