Dori and I are off to San Diego tomorrow for a week to stay with my college roommate Juleane and my good friend Jessica (of Crockbaby commenting fame - "jessierose129"). I am very excited to get out of the house and to have built-in babysitters for a week. I will try to blog at least once or twice while away.
Here are some of my fave pictures taken of Dori this past week (that haven't already been posted obviously)...
Nature boy.

Dori's proud of his grandpa.

The bathtime photos never get old.

Gifted, reading boy. I just don't give up, do I?

Love this shot. Don't know what's going on here.

Look how insanely big Dori has gotten!!!

Could he be any happier?


Why so sad?


He can feed himself!

And bite his hand.

Ouch, that kinda hurt!

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