Anyway, my parents have dug out some old pictures of me as a baby and toddler to compare and contrast. Recently, D has begun to look more like Kel so I'll find some early pics of her soon.
Fashion Warning! Please remember this was the seventies.

a little older

with my dad (Dori's Granta)

with Dad (during his Elvis period) and new arrival Hannah

with Han and Lamby (now one of Dor's toys)

annoying my sister

looking good!

camping (I remember this picture being taken)

There is quite a resemblance, especially in the second photo.
In the second photo I'm the age Dor is now; in the subsequent pics I'm older. It'll be interesting to see if he gets his black hair back like I did.
Hey Jim, you've not managed to bring your radical evolution theory to the American conciousness then?!
As I remember even Kelly used to glaze over as soon as you mentioned cavemen and such.
I can totally see the "Crock" in Crockbaby, I look forward to seeing Kel's baby pics to check out the Brandli factor!
I see I am now under Rowan's name of "maxloopymooch", it's han by the way, I guess I'll have to get my own google name! Although Ro'd is pretty cool!
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