Monday, August 11, 2008

We're home...

Poor little Dori got fussier as yesterday wore on and slept horribly last night (the second night in a row of truly awful sleep - up every half hour). He was a little crank monster this morning too. I decided it best to stick with my original plan (the plane ticket was for today; last week I thought perhaps I would extend the trip). Dori has two new teeth (the top lateral incisors) and I think the top central incisors are coming in too. The broke through in reverse (normally babies get the central ones first) - we were kind of hoping the central ones didn't come in for awhile because it would look like he had fangs on top! Poor little teething guy. Plus I think he was actually really homesick and obviously his routine was off so he was all out of sorts. We got home and he immediately started smiling and playing his piano and with his blocks. When we went into his bedroom for bedtime he started chatting away excitedly while reaching for his familiar ball and stuffed duck and looking at his books. It was very sweet.

Of all the things to leave in San Diego???? My digital camera! ARGH! Jessica is going to mail it to me tomorrow and hopefully forward me the pictures she took on her camera so I can post some this week! More tomorrow...


Y chromosome provider said...

glad you had a great trip. I look forward to seeing the pics. 1 week to go :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

OMG I can't believe you stayed there so long with those big hairy many legged monsters. Can I request that if you took any pictures you don't post them here? Thanks Mate!
Sounds you did the right thing for Dori coming back when you did, I remember the boys being the same at times, just wanting to be at home. I hope his teeth settle soon, Ro has his first wobbly tooth which he's very proud of. He informs me that the tooth fairy now pays £2 for a first tooth. talk about inflation!!
Anyway, look forward to seeing the non-hairy pics.

Kelly said...

Don't worry, Han, I didn't get any pics of the spider. I was too scared to think of grabbing a camera! They don't have tarantulas in the UK so you're safe. :)