Dismounted from the bike on his own. Clever boy!

Ate his favorite breakfast - whole wheat toast with blackberry jam.

Always incredulous that Daddy can take much bigger bites of toast than he can.

Waited in line with Mama, Daddy and Stella (the dog) so Mama could vote.

Went down the slide with Mama.

Walked on the dangerous ledge with Daddy (always!)

Walked on the safe ground with Mama (of course).

Chased leaves.

Went in his stroller for the rest of the day (while Mama walked around with a "No on Prop 8 sign").

Poor little fellow - probably not the most fun day for him but his Mama felt she had to do her part for Prop 8 (or against it rather). Mama did stop at a couple parks to let Dori stretch his legs, and she watched as he WOLFED down a whole grilled cheese sandwich, fruit salad and cup of juice! We're talking BIG KID portions. He's never eaten so much at once in his life! We think he's had a growth spurt this week. He woke up today with yet another cold. This is like the 4th one in a month. Poor baby (I can still call him that right?). Still, it is so exciting he will have a great man as president for what will hopefully be half his childhood!
Thank you for all you did for prop 8!! We really appreciate it!! I'm just sad that more CA voters aren't like-minded. I don't think this issue is resolved though!! Also, the next time you guys are in our neck of the woods, we should have a little play date!!
Dear all,Can't believe how alike Dorian is to when James was his age. Even the clothes are identical! Ask James if he can remember that brown,orange and beige stripey jumper. Brings back many memories.O.K. so now we are off to a firework party at the Station House.
Lots of love Mum/Jenny/Nanna
I do remember that jumper, Mum. Scan and send a photo...sorry, get Dad to scan and send a photo and I'll post it on the blog.
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