Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Missing his cousins...

This morning Dorian was walking around our bed (trying to persuade us to get up at 3am) when he saw a photo of his cousins, Rowan and Josh. He spent a lot of time with them in England and loved every minute. So, he picked up the photo and kept pointing at their faces and talking. I'm not sure what he was saying, but it was the same babble each time. He did this for a couple of minutes and then started kissing the picture! I don't mind admitting I choked up a bit. He misses them as much as we do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww that is too cute!!!! Poor little guy...

When Brendan was his age, we were very fortunate that my sister and her kids lived close by and were over at least four times a week. Now by brother and HIS kids are over at least four times a week. lol And if they come over when Brendan is at school or over at his dad's, little Quentan (about 21 months now) looks for him.

Anyone that says kids that age don't know what's happening around them is ignorant, unobservant, or childless. Could be all three...