Thursday, January 29, 2009


It has been 80 hours since Dorian last nursed! Check out my blog ( if you're interested in reading about the challenging nights we've been having. Last night was pretty rough, BUT he is now drinking whole milk! He drank about 12 ounces of whole milk last night and has been having loads today too. Phew. We were worried there for a bit (he didn't seem to be drinking ANY fluids for the first couple days of weaning). Once Dorian has calmed down a bit after the weaning (maybe in a week?), we will re-focus our efforts on sleep training. So far, weaning has not helped his sleep as so many people told us it would. Last night he woke crying every 45 minutes. It's harder to get him back to sleep now since I'm not nursing him. I just have to rock him, pat his back, sing to him. We're still co-sleeping and know this isn't ideal either. We'll work on it. But in the meantime, wow! I feel so free to have him weaned!!!! This is HUGE.

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