Friday, February 20, 2009


So cute!!!!!!! We have been closing the door to Dorian's bedroom and letting him put himself to sleep for naps and bedtime. It is getting easier and easier...less crying...less time to get to sleep. Tonight he cried for a couple minutes, then we just heard his music box. I went in about 15 minutes later to check on him and cover him with his blanket. He was asleep on his bed with "Goodnight Moon" open and his arm around it. It was so sweet!!!! He loves reading. It was just so adorable to think he pulled his favorite book off his shelf and read himself to sleep (and then cuddled it).

God I love that boy!


Anonymous said...

That reminds me of Brendan-both when he was that age and now! Except now, I'll find the flashlight and a book along the lines of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" under the pillow after he reads himself to sleep! This of course, is long after I've unplugged his reading light and told him to go to sleep...

Karyn said...

So glad things are looking up for you guys! Sleep is sooo important :) Take care!