Wednesday, February 11, 2009

role reversal

So, I just tried a new appraoch to nap time. Given he loves to copy what I'm doing (computer, writing, dishes, playing guitar etc), I thought I would pretend to fall asleep. In his room, I lay on the bed and gave an oscar-worthy performance complete with yawns; tossing and turning; and, ultimately, snoring. It was more like a coma really. I 'slept' through Dorian sticking his fingers up my nose, hitting me on the head, shouting at me and tickling my toes. Eventually, he realized I wasn't going to be woken. He went over to his music box and started his bedtime music. Then he bought a book to the bed and sat up with it on his lap, 'reading' aloud. Next he gently put his face next to mine and then finally he left the room! It was amazing. It's 2:30pm and he still hasn't taken a nap but I feel ready for one!


Anonymous said...


Well, it was a good shot. He probably feels very accomplished having gotten Daddy to take a nap. That's adorable that he put on his music and got a book.

What's Plan B?

Y chromosome provider said...

Plan B? That was plan Z. He actually slept well last night, especially considering Kelly stayed out overnight with a friend for the first time ever. Things are definitely moving in the right direction, just slowly.