Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Little Star (Twinkle, Twinkle)

This video is a couple of months old, but very cute.

These days Dori sings the words as well (most of them, anyway). He also likes Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Old MacDonald (complete with animal noises), and Happy and You Know It. My favourite singing, however, happened when I was listening to Led Zeppelin: Dori let out a huge stadium-rock wail whenever Robert Plant did!


Kelly said...

I LOVE this. He is so freaking cute. I can't believe we made him. He looks exactly like you in this video. He has matured so much in 2 months, it is amazing. I love how he does the little hand movements for twinkly stars too...I forgot how subtle those movements were when he first started singing this song.

Anonymous said...

Oh how adorable!!! Is he snapping his fingers, too? That's awesome :) And I especially love how he goes for the electric guitar even for such a traditional kids song!

And he obviously gets his vocal talents from his parents. You BOTH sound great.

Darby said...

Pretty darn cute. The little star movements with his hands will probably remain for years.

Y chromosome provider said...

I forgot to mention Happy Birthday. He sang a wonderful (if extended) version for my dad on Skype.

Hap..Bi..er..ooo..ooo (repeat ad infinitum)

Graham said...

What a little star! Did you get a recording of him singing Happy Birthday? We couldn't find it on either of our message recorders unfortunately.

Y chromosome provider said...

It was on BT Answer (1571?)