Wednesday, October 7, 2009

He won't shut up!

Some of my favorite verbal interactions with Dorian over the last week:

Kelly: "Oops." (After I dropped something on the kitchen floor.)
Dori: "Silly Mama!" (Repeat 20 times while giggling)

Kelly: "Let's go see if we can find Grandma and Grandpa."
Dori: "Both Grandka's!" (he calls them both "Grandka")

After I passed gas one day...

Kelly: "No, that wasn't pee pee."
Dori: "FART!!!!" (Repeat 20 times after James and I killed ourselves laughing and Dori realized it was funny.)

Any time I pass gas now...

Dori: "Burp"
Kelly: "No, Dori, not a burp."
Dori "Burp, burp, burp!"

Speaking sentences now...

Kelly: "Look at the tortoise eating vegetables, Dorian."
Dori: "Big turtle eating carrots!"

And my favorite...

My mom: "Do you think Dorian wants some p-u-d-d-i-n-g?" (spelling it out to me)
Dori: "Pudding." (I've been telling you guys he is a genius!!!!)

Dori tells me about his day all the time when I get home from class/ is so cute. It's a mix of jibberish and words. Example: "Mama, dah dah oonka lah Dori and daddy gymboree! Doo kah la fabadoo go store. Bananas dooba doo cookies da do uh huh milk. Balloon (pointing up) away. Birds in sky. Car doo dah doo home. Maggie ball! Snack...cottage cheese!" Amazing. My kid isn't even 2 years old. I love seeing how his mind works and being able to directly communicate with him!

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