We may have jumped the gun a bit on celebrating Dorian's long sleeping session ability (from one night!) He did have another 6 hour night on Saturday, but he has also had a few of his normal *crappy* nights (up every 2 hours, or even every 1!). For some reason, I am more tired now than I have ever been before. It's like it has finally caught up with me. Really strange. I am probably getting more sleep than I did the first month, but it is all broken sleep and probably not more than 6 hours a night. Still, enough complaining...it is soooooooooo worth it!!! Mornings are the hardest and then by 11am I usually feel functional. At least we know Dori can go 6+ hours without eating, so eventually he will get into a pattern of sleeping at least that much each night. Grandma and Grandpa bought him a swing to try to get him to sleep more but he hates it. He'll sit in it for about 2 minutes and then start screaming his head off. If we put him in it while he's already asleep, it doesn't prolong his sleep - he still only lasts 1-2 hours and then is very upset when he wakes up and finds he is in this scary moving contraption. Maybe when he's older he'll like it. Or maybe he doesn't like it because it's pink (Grandma and Grandpa did not realize the box color indicated the swing color)! It's a bummer because many newborns love the swing and it really can help parents get more sleep. Our Dorian loves human company though - he is happiest and calmest when he is sleeping on someone's chest or being carried. Still, doesn't he look cute in the swing?
I am going to leave Dorian for the first time this morning - I am desperate to get back into running so I will leave him with his Daddy and a bottle. He seems to be taking the bottle more now. I still don't feel comfortable leaving him with anyone besides James yet though. Some days he has gas and his cries are just agonizing. Other days he seems to be a bit fussy for no reason. He's usually a good baby for us, but when other people hold him, it's not always the case. My work holiday party is this Saturday and I was really looking forward to going. James has a gig though, so there is no way I am leaving Dorian with anyone else (not yet!) We'll keep working on it. We keep forgetting that as big as he has gotten, and as much as he has matured, he is still a newborn. He'll be 6 weeks tonight at 9:49pm.
Enough talking...time for more pictures!!!
Doesn't he look sooooo relaxed here? He LOVES his baths.
Working on his facial expressions...
SMILE!!! Isn't this just beautiful??? I'll leave you with this image. I am going to go for my run now (so excited!). More blogging fun in a few days.
He has changed so much already!! I can't believe it. I'm so excited to see him again, and maybe he'll actually smile when I hold him. I love the tempest shirt he is wearing, it's cute. See you guys soon!
He's already got a job advertising for daddy's band!
Six weeks is commonly regarded as the height of fussiness for babies... here's to hoping that Dorian comes back down to calmness soon.
Mather loved going really fast in her swing, so make sure you crank that thing up before you write-it-off completely.
Isn't the Tempest shirt great? Astrea, one of the frequent commenters on this blog and our friend (and Tempest fan) made 5 of them for Dori. She is so talented!
Em - we had the swing on full-speed AND tried putting him in swaddled and with white noise. We tried everything. The little guy likes to chill on Mama's chest 24/7!
That's sweet. Chimpy's cradle swing swung side to side, not back and forth. It was adjustable, but she just did not like the forward and backward motion. The side to side motion would put her to sleep, then I would shut it off when she fell asleep.
Rootie, toot, toot, little Dorian! Your pictures are adorable, but you are even more beautiful in person. I am lucky that you let me hold you for as long as you did.
Kelly, Have you thought about having a sweater or shirt of yours wrapped around him or next to him--is a baby's sense of smell developed enough for this to make a difference? Have you tried running a vacuum? I know that doesn't involve movement, but sometimes the sound gets to the little ones in a good way.
I look forward to seeing you three when you return from Europe. I do hope you will be keeping us updated while abroad.
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