Friday, November 30, 2007

Bottle Woes

Dorian is still not taking to the bottle. We thought we had it sorted - he was taking to it earlier in the week, albeit a bit fussy at times. Now he is refusing it, squirming and writhing around and crying until he works himself into a state and gets the breast in the end. I can't figure out if my expressed milk has gone bad (I think I may produce too much lipase which causes the milk to taste soapy) and/or if the bottle we are using has too slow a flow rate. We'll keep trying all week-end and then I will try to make it in to see a lactation consultant next week. We leave for England in less than a week - I hope we're able to resolve it before then because the window of opportunity for teaching a baby to take a bottle has almost passed. I didn't end up going for that run the other day because he ended up becoming fussy. I just can't seem to leave my baby!

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