I am exhausted. I am so happy, but the fatigue is sinking in. Dorian eats round the clock and does not sleep more than two hours at a time. Some nights we seem to get lucky and he will sleep for 3-4 hours at the beginning of the night, but then he is up every 30-45 minutes for the next 7 hours! I am so tired, and my nipples are killing me! I was on a new mommy hormone high the first two weeks, but now, reality has kicked in! Still, it's all worth it!
I joined a new mother's support group which started meeting today. The group meets in walking distance from my house, which is a real plus. It is going to be wonderful - I was so excited to get out of the house and meet other new moms. There are eight of us and we all have babies ages 4-6 weeks. The plan is to meet once a week with a facilitator (who taught the baby care class James and I took in September) and then to go on a social outing at least once a week. Partners may join us on some of the outings. We are planning on hiking, going to play cafes, parks and the Parkway Theater for baby night.
James and I actually went to the Parkway on Monday night and it was so fun! The whole theater was filled with other parents and their infants and we got to eat pizza while sitting on a couch and watching a film. It was so nice to get out. I have really been feeling house-bound because it is so difficult to go anywhere with Dorian. He eats all the time and there is no pattern to the madness. It is so unpredictable. Sometimes he will eat for 2 hours straight and then nap for 20 minutes, then eat for another hour. Other times he will eat twice an hour, then sleep for 2, then eat for 10 minutes. There is no obvious pattern to anything yet, other than the fact that if he binge eats for several hours, I know he will take a longer nap (and it is often early evening so I go to bed too). It makes it impossible to leave the house though! I don't want to be walking from my house to the lake and then get stuck and have to feed outside the chicken and waffle place with homeless people and druggies ogling my boobs. I have been braving it but it is difficult. People don't realize how much infants feed. I had NO IDEA they fed this much. There is no point in me even wearing shirts anymore because Dorian feeds so much. It is wonderful and I am still so blissed out from being a mother, but you can not plan anything!!!! We have been late for every appointment we have had since he was born and I have really had to try to be more relaxed about my compulsive planning. Parenthood is not for control freaks, that's for sure. I am learning to change! :)
And, now, the moment you have all been waiting for...
Dorian is not happy when he is deprived of the boobies
The first picture we have taken of Dorian where a Brandli family resemblance can be seen - Dori looks a bit like my brother did when he was young
Still not happy when bath time is over!
4 weeks old and reading already
Daddy was pointing things out to Dori while he looked out the window
At the guitar shop (Daddy's favorite place)
But not Dorian's! Perhaps he won't take after his dad or grandfathers
At the doctor's office today
Ready for his close-up (or maybe not!)
ahhhh! What lovely pics. I'd almost forgotten how tiring it all is, but reading your post is bringing it all back. Josh in particular was a constant - no pattern feeder and it is tough. (And wonderful at the same time) I used to find that feeding in the sling was a godsend. You'd have to get him plugged in somewhere private if you didn't want to flash your boobies, but once Josh was there and comfy I could get out of the house and he would feed and eventually go to sleep and Jo public was none the wiser. Maybe try it around the house and see how you get on. The other thing I kinda wish we'd done with Josh is get him used to a bottle early because he wouldn't take it when he was older. I didn't want to use formula and for some reason my breastmilk wouldn't keep well. (Some people have a hormone which makes it go funny-tasting in the fridge, I think that was the problem). I have all sorts of bottles you can try when you come over if you like, even breast-shaped!! Josh went straight to cowsmilk in a cup in the end.
I'm still late for everything, but don't have your excuse.
Loads a love to you all
I was so bummed I missed seeing you and meeting Dorian at the Freight the other night. But being as sick as I am, it was best I wasn't there for other people that don't want whatever it is I have.
Brendan didn't take to breastfeeding, but my sister-in-law has breastfed all three of her kids and I see how difficult it is to lead a "normal" life when you're scheduling everything around a hungry baby. :-)
Take care!
Kelly & James........that boy is enchanting. I did notice that he has his own agenda, and will probably be getting things done in as manic a fashion as Mama usually does! He's a busy guy, and his current schedule seems to be entirely taken up with the business of gaining mass. I love that little Dorian-guy. He is beautiful! -xop
Crockbaby was probably mad at the guitar shop because they didn't have any in his size. Poor thing. Baby wants to shred!
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