Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dorian's Third Week

Dorian sure likes to sleep (and feed, but you've seen all the PG feeding pictures we have!)

He can sleep...

While Mama poses for the camera
In Mama's friend Emily's arms
While Mama coos at him
In front of a 93 pound Halloween pumpkin
Outside with Grandma, Grandpa and Stella
In Mama's friend Nathalie's arms
While 7 month old baby Kalil tries to play with him
On Grandma's arm
While Mama and Daddy gaze lovingly at him
And, in the most uncomfortable-looking position known to man!


Unknown said...

Oh, how precious!

Anonymous said...

haha Babies can contort themselves into the strangest positions and yet be so content...My nephew's new thing is grabbing fistfuls of my hair and trying to sit himself up. Hopefully for you guys, Dorian will not acquire this habit. lol

CSom said...

He's already getting so big! You guys look so happy. Can't wait to meet him!