In other news, we're still working on the bottle. We think it's the flow rate and are still trying out different bottles and nipples. Fingers crossed. It is still very difficult and we can't find a bottle he likes. I think it's the bottle and not my milk, though I am not sure. It does taste a little soapy to me. I am just about ready to give up on teaching him to take a bottle - it feels like an impossible feat. Just when we think maybe we have it, nope, we don't! Up and down. I am desperate to get back into shape but I can't leave him yet.
Dorian seems so much older now. He does interact A LOT more and looks around at everything and everyone (when he's not upset). We are also able to put him down in his vibrating chair (thank you, Emily!) and he'll look around the room on his own for 10-15 minutes or fall asleep. He keeps growing and growing. He seems massive to me, but I know he still looks like a little newborn to most people. We have had a lot of visitors over the past few weeks. Dorian has been remarkably good with most of the visitors, though sometimes he gets overstimulated and just wants his mama. England will be interesting because there are several days where dozens of different people will be over to see him. I can't stand having him wail, so I am going to keep snatching him back from people. I hope I don't come across as too overprotective.
James and I (well, more me than James) are stressing about Friday - we have a million things to do before we leave. We've got his band's party here tonight, we have to get organized and pack and we have to move everything out of one bathroom, the laundry room and our living room because the contractor is coming to work on turning the laundry room into Dori's room and our second bathroom into a bathroom/laundry room. Plus, James has to work for the next two days and I have my new mother's group session, have to buy last minute items for the trip, go to the bank, pay our bills and let my grandma and parents have Dori time before we leave.
Anyone who says being a stay at home mom is easy has never tried it. I am due back at work (part time) on January 7th but we're obviously going to have to see how things are going with Dorian (and the bottle!) and how many days a week I would need to commute. I can't wait to just get to England and have a much-needed holiday. Still, I really shouldn't complain that much. Life is so amazing - I love my son more than I ever thought possible and when he smiles at me, I know I am happier than I have ever been in my whole life. And James feels exactly the same way. We are so lucky.
More pictures.......
Reading with Daddy (he actually looks at the pictures now!)
Visiting with Cara, my freshman year college roommate (and Daddy, of course)
With my colleagues Dorana and Erika
Found his thumb to suck on!
Dorian likes to listen to Rockin' Santa - I love how the toy is almost as big as him!
Special video of Dorian to be posted before Friday - our first on this blog! Keep checking! I was going to do it today but it was too large so I need James to resize it for me. :)
Don't forget, babies will sense your vibes. Maybe Dorian is picking up on your anxiety. If you have to, put Dorian down for a few seconds and catch your breath. Sometimes Chimpy would get in these moods where bouncing and shushing would just agitate her further. It was like there was too much of everything and she just wanted some quiet time.
Just when one problem gets itself sorted out, another challenge presents itself. It sounds like the sleeping situation is falling into line, finally! The bottle situation will come together soon, don't stress too much. If he's hungry enough, he'll figure it out!
Your flight may turn into an 11 hour nursing session... that's pretty much how our 5 hour flight to NYC was (and Mather was six months old!)... just remember to have him suckling during take-off and landing, it will help his ears adjust to the pressure.
I'm so excited for the video!!!
I made the blog! How fun. So good to see you guys and finally meet Dorian and James. Have a great trip!!
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