We have arrived safely. The flight was amazing! After all the pre-flight stress, we got the seats we wanted and Dorian slept the whole flight - he woke up to feed a couple times and fell back asleep. Not a peep out of him. When we arrived in London, Graham (James' dad) picked us up. We drove to Bridestowe (about a 4 hour drive) and only had to stop once to feed him. Dorian is a traveller alright! Last night was another story. He obviously had jet lag because he was up all night long fussing. I have slept about 4 hours since Thursday night. Still, I'm not complaining because he was as good as gold on the flight!
Granta held Dorian at Heathrow

Nana is in love with her newest grandson

With both grandparents

James has gone back to his roots with a cup of tea by the fire

Look closely - Dorian will be so much older when we return home in 3 weeks

Father and son (they happened to be wearing the same shirt yesterday!)

Oakland Crockers in England (very happy but very tired!)
Thanks CrockMama for posting this update! I'm so glad you all did so well on the flight! I've been wondering how it went.
Now, you know, if you want a bit of extra rest, you can have James give you a sleeping hypno thingy, to help you cope with both jetlag and Mommylag at once.
If you don't have it with you and would like it, I can send it via Skype filetransfer. Let me know.
Enjoy your Crockadventures!
Yay for a great flight!! I'm so proud of Dorian, I miss him so much already and I know he'll be so big the next time I see him. I hope to make up early January to visit. Anyway, enjoy your visit, relax and blog when you can! Kisses for everyone.
In honor of Dorian's first flight,
There was a young lad of Oakland,
Whose life was unfolding quite grand
His parents were proud,
for no crying aloud,
Aboard his first plane trip to England!
AWESOME that he handled the flight so well! I remember flying with my sister-in-law and her youngest at the time and the poor thing didn't handle it well at all.
Have a great trip :-D
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