Sorry for no posts over the last week. We have been insanely busy (or felt like it anyway) since arriving last week-end. It's been great so far...we're catching up with loads of old friends and family. However, I am absolutely exhausted. Dorian is jetlagged. He sleeps all day and is then up from about 12-5am (4-9pm PST). We have had plans during the days though so I haven't been able to sleep when he does. Today we had Ro and Josh (our nephews) over and I had to go back to bed this afternoon. I felt so bad because Ro, the 5 year old, was dying to spend time with Dori and I. I am so sleep-deprived I felt sick though. I managed to get a few hours sleep this afternoon and do feel better for it. It's amazing that Dori is jetlagged (and still one week later) - we hadn't realized he actually had gotten into a routine in the US! Dori also woke up with a little cold today - he's snuffling and coughing. It's not too bad and he seems okay but of course, it breaks my heart to have him sick. Hopefully it will stay as is and not get any worse.
Here are a few pictures to tide you over - I'll try to get some more up over the next couple days...
The cousins
Auntie Han, Uncle Phil, Cousins Ro and Josh
All bundled up - it's in the mid-30's here!
Dorian isn't jetlagged...he remains on California time which works for him. He looks bigger and older already. California Grandmom
Dorian does look older!! It's amazing. I love his mittens by the way, I wonder if he knows they rattle yet? I miss you guys but am so happy to see pictures of your adventures. Stay warm! (and healthy)
Aw, poor little guy. And you...
Hope you're having a great time (all things considered) :-D
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