Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Fatigue of the highest level

Okay, I need some advice from all you parents out there. Any advice on helping a baby sleep and stay asleep. Especially babies who love nursing. Dorian slept horribly last night and despite my optimism yesterday, I feel even worse today than I did on Sunday. I got about 3 hours of broken sleep. I couldn't sleep when Dorian was sleeping, and when I finally fell asleep, he was up! I am absolutely exhausted again. It doesn't help that we have family stuff going on (my grandma is in hospital), James is extremely busy with the band and teaching, and I am working too. I was supposed to go in to work today (with Dori) and even got about 2 miles down the road, but then plans changed!

My grandma should be just fine (she has pneumonia), but it is hard seeing her in pain. And even harder when I can't be the cheerful, upbeat person I'd like to be or be with her 24/7 because I am so flippin' tired! Also, we're supposed to go to New Orleans this week-end for a family vacation but I am really worried it's not going to be fun for me because I am so run down. So....bring it on! Here's your chance to tell me what I'm doing wrong! (Mom, not you!) Remember, I really don't believe in the "cry it out" theories, but any other advice would be much appreciated.


Anonymous said...

With his Crocker genes I think food would help a lot! I wouldn't wait for a couple of weeks. The doctor only "generally" advises waiting till 6 months - there are always exceptions and your fatigue must qualify as one. Jen suggests some rusks or similar mixed with milk. James needed this at a younger age than Dorian and then stopped after a couple of weeks and went back exclusively on the breast again. And I apparently needed some solids at an early age as well so it's in the genes I'm afraid! Don't fight it.
Good luck!

Momily said...

Try the cereal before bed. You can also try a mild CIO for the middle of the night wake-ups. Let him cry for 2 minutes then go soothe him, then try 4 minutes... you might be surprised that he catches on and falls back asleep on his own within a few minutes. Whenever James or your parents can watch Dori, have them leave the house with him, then you take a nap.

Meng said...

Are you worried about food? Chimpy was on solids at 4 months (diluted rice cereals). If he has any interest in all in what you big people are doing at meal times, indulge him with a small spoonful of rice cereal. Maybe the poor guy is hungry.

Other practical things:

He could be cold. A good rule of thumb is however many layers you are wearing, add one for the baby. Swaddle him well in a blanket from the dryer (warm, not hot).


It is possible the little guy is picking up on your stress. It's a vicious circle, he can't sleep, you get cranky, he gets crankier. Do some breathing exercises and try to keep things calm (for you as much as him). You don't need to let him cry it out, but sometimes you need to step away, count to ten, breathe, then return to him.

If it gets there, don't feel bad about letting him cry it out. Sometimes everything is just too much and all Chimpy would want was nothing. No lullabies, no rocking, just to be left alone.

Good luck!