Well, we don't know how it affects his sleep yet, but we just gave him a few tablespoons of rice cereal and he LOVED it. He couldn't get enough! He was positively frantic for more. He had no trouble eating from the spoon or swallowing. He even grabbed the spoon at one point and helped Daddy shove it in his mouth! So I guess we have our answer....this is one boy who is ready for food! Thanks to everyone who suggested it. Fingers crossed it extends his sleep a bit more. We'll give him some more tonight. I will also make sure our boy is bundled up warm enough...I think he is, but I'll add another layer to be sure. I tried some mini-cry-it-out sessions today before his naps, but I just can't do it. It's fine if he's fussing but once he gets to full-on crying, I just can't. Anyway, hopefully the solid food and extra layer will help. We also had an epiphany and thought maybe it could be gas. He had gas really badly as a newborn and it very much distressed him. It doesn't seem to any more, but he does pass gas a lot in the middle of the night so maybe this wakes him up. The pediatrician said to give him Mylicon which we will try tonight as well. I guess if he does sleep, we won't know whether this will be down to the solid food, the extra layer, or the Mylicon but at this point I'm so desperate for sleep, I don't have time to experiment over a series of nights. Stay tuned!
I don't know how bad his gas is, but you can also try holding his legs by the ankles and pressing (gently!) his knees onto his stomach. That usually expels a little gas.
Already do that one! It does seem to work. We just wonder if maybe Mylicon will stop him from waking up in the first place? If gas is even the reason he wakes up - who knows at this point! He just had a whole bunch of rice cereal and loved it again. I then nursed him and gave him some Mylicon. Turned up the heat in his room. He passed out pretty quickly tonight. Fingers crossed for a good night's sleep. I just took a benadryl (one of the moms in my new mom's group said she takes one when she's so overtired she can't sleep) and am going to bed. Will let you know tomorrow!
He looks so cute in the strawberry bib!!! Hope you get a good nights sleep this time.
Lots of love
I'm anxious to hear how his night was. I can't believe what you have to go through to get a baby to sleep, it amazes me. I miss you guys and hope things start looking up from here. I can't believe how fast he's growing (physically and developmentally).
Love you!
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