Overall, he has been such a happy, little boy. Everyone keeps remarking on it. He is a little star, playing and giggling all the time. He is now treating this house as his own - making messes and getting into everything! He loves his Nana and Granta and he adores his cousins. He has loads of toys to play with here, thanks to his Auntie Han and Uncle Phil. He has a crib, booster seat (to use while eating), carseat and baby gate, all thanks to Han and Phil as well. We're so lucky to have had all the baby gear provided for us! (We brought a stroller over from the US, so we'd have one to use in the airport.)
We have tried to take walks with him, as we do every day in Oakland, but he starts crying. I don't think he likes the cold or wind, even though we get him all bundled up. It is getting colder by the minute here. When we arrived, it was actually about the same temperature as it was when we left Oakland! But an Arctic cold front is supposed to come in over the next few days and the next 2 weeks will be bitter cold -down to 14 degrees Fahrenheit at night!!!!! No forecast for snow, but we can hope!
Non-Christmasy pictures, taken over the past few days (my fave is the last pic, where he has his hand on his Granta's arm, looking so proud - we have a very similar shot of him with my dad!):

Wow! So many great pics...I especially like the ones in which Dori's wearing the big fluffy bunting-type thing. :-D So cute...
And making messes and getting into everything is a sure sign a kid feels at home somewhere. It's always struck me as funny that people ask, "Would you do that at your house?" as part of a lecture on behaving. Duh! OF COURSE a kid would do ---- at their own house!
What a FABULOUS journey...are there new (and decidedly UK) words in the Wee Wonder's vocabulary?!?!?!
= )
(P.S. Re-posted this due to spelling error on first one-OCD at it's finest-lol)
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