Friday, January 2, 2009


This trip has been HELL with regards to sleep. I am still jetlagged. Dorian is all over the place. He has slept worse here than ever before. He refuses to go to sleep for naps or at night. He wakes up every hour or more in the middle of the night, screaming. He is not sick. His teeth have come in. His routine is all off, I suppose. I am so tired. I am so tired of making excuses for him. I am so tired of the crying. I can not believe I have this child who is perfect in every single way, and yet all I can seem to focus on is his lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation is horrendous. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. This sucks. This really, really, REALLY sucks. Are we still having a good time? Of course. But I am spending more than half the daytime catching up on the sleep I'm not getting at night. I feel awful saying this because my inlaws are doing such an amazing job of making us feel welcome, but I can not wait to come home. I can not wait to get Dorian back on a proper sleep schedule in his familiar surroundings and be able to take him outside and for long walks (he screams every time I try to take him for a walk here - too cold, I think). I can not wait to go back to his Gymboree classes and playdates. I am sooooo glad we came on the trip because it is very important for James to see his family and friends and for Dorian to know his British relatives. But this is awful!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong in feeling anxious to get home. I bet your in-laws understand how you feel about wanting to get Dorian (and yourself) back to the familiar routine. I know Brendan and I are like that. We both LOVE going to Disneyland but we have a tendency to be grouchy - ok more grouchy than normal haha - and not sleep very well in the hotel even though we're having fun and are enjoying the trip in other ways.

My ever-the-smart-aleck-more-of-a-star-wars-geek-than-anyone-I've-ever-met brother says that Brendan and I must be Sith Lords because the Sith fear change. ha ha ha *rolling eyes.*

Patience you must have. Hmmmm, yes. (see, I'm not Sith; I'm Yoda :-D)