Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Big day!

I told people at work I was pregnant...everyone was really excited for us, but then I wouldn't have expected anything less. I have great bosses and work with an incredible group of people. It's such a relief to know I don't have to keep holding files in front of my stomach while talking to colleagues anymore!

We also got the results back from our nuchal translucency screening test (taken during the ultrasound last week and also by blood test). Based on my age and the results of the tests, our baby has a 1 in 31,000 chance of having chromosomal abnormalities (which cause serious mental retardation). Needless to say, an amniocentosis test will not be necessary.

More tomorrow when I return from class and officially have 4 days off!!!


Papasan said...

Congratulations! The three of us are excited for you guys. Be careful on those gender prognositcations...Em first thought we were having a boy, but it turned out my prediction of a girl was right.

I also want to commend you for your courage and openness regarding your miscarriage. My parents went through several miscarriages before finally having my older sister and myself. Many families go throught that experience.

So congrats, good luck in the coming months and we'll be keeping an eye on the blog!

Kelly said...

Hey Dan, thanks so much! And thanks for not sending us hate mail for stealing the blog idea (right down to the same template) from you guys. Our Brit relatives are most grateful for the blog and I am super grateful for the wonderful idea you two had.

I can't imagine having gone through more than one miscarriage -your parents are incredibly brave to have kept trying. I am so glad they ended up being successful in their desire to have children.

Thanks for the support!

Kelly said...

Dan, one more thing -

I am sure it is a boy! How cool will it be to say "Mother knew all along!" (And if it is a little girl, I can blame it on hormones - "I didn't know whether I was coming or going!")

Papasan said...

We stole the blog idea from our friends at -- even our template is simply a color switch from theirs. So don't feel guilty!

As to whether you are having a boy or a girl, we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

Anonymous said...

I know what a worrier you are Kel, so to put your mind at ease...

The odds of having chromosomal abnormalities (31,000 to 1) compare favourably to:

Odds of becoming a pro athlete: 22,000 to 1

Odds of winning an Academy Award: 11,500 to 1

Odds of finding a four-leaf clover on first try: 10,000 to 1

Odds of an American speaking Cherokee: 15,000 to 1

Odds of being considered possessed by Satan: 7,000 to 1

Chance that Earth will experience a catastrophic collision with an asteroid in the next 100 years: 1 in 5,000

Feel happier now?

Kelly said...

You can tell you are your father's son!!! Thanks for this though; it did put it in perspective! I think I'll worry about premature labor now - can you find me some good odds on this please? xxoo

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Yet more members of this ever increasing family that I can mould into my all conquering army! (This attitude could be cos I'm in Germany..)

James cous Dan

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dan,

Not sure I want my little one becoming part of the 'Hiscott youth' though!