Sunday, June 3, 2007

It's alive!!!

We have movement, people! Finally, the baby has moved strongly enough that I can be sure it is him/her and not gas. After a gourmet lunch of grilled cheese sandwich and baby carrots, followed by watermelon slices and a cup of hot milk with chocolate syrup, the baby moved! I felt a very distinct couple of movements that can only be described as something gently punching/kicking me from the inside of my belly. Then I felt lots of the similar fluttering I have been feeling for awhile (similar to gas!) followed by a few more inner-beating feelings. Yippee! I can feel my baby. At last! Perhaps he was trying to wish his mommy and daddy a happy 2 year wedding anniversary. Somehow I think it's more likely he just gets as much of a kick (pun intended) out of hot chocolate as his mama does!

This will be my last post until next week-end as I am going to be spending the week in Half Moon Bay, helping the accounting firm move in to their new office. Still no word as to what my future will be with the company but I will post something as soon as I know. The commute to Half Moon Bay without a car is brutal (2.5 hours on public transport with 3 transfers each way). Luckily, this week I will be staying in a B&B, courtesy of my employers. I am quite excited to be staying in an English style seaside B&B for several days, even if I do have to work each day for my keep. James is going to try and join baby and I for a night or two.

We took pictures of my belly yesterday but they have not been compressed yet, so I will try to convince James to post them tomorrow. The bump still seems to be growing rapidly each day. If I continue at this rate of weight gain and belly growth, I am going to be over 200 pounds and immobile by October 19th! I am sure it will slow down a bit at some point.

Anyway, I need to go and do laundry and all that fun stuff so bye for now. See you all next week-end!


Anonymous said...

Great news! I love the new photo of the two of you (plus bump), We have just been sitting out the the warm evening sun,with a glass of wine,,,,,,,,,,talking about Christmas and seeing you guys again! Can't wait!

Y chromosome provider said...

I can confirm that all is well; I felt the baby kick! :)

Kelly said...

Baby continues to move more frequently and strongly! More on this and other goodies when we have our ultrasound on Thursday.