Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Just checking in

Not much to report, but I thought I should check in so no one would think we had gone into labor or anything! I have been enjoying my time off work, though I have to keep busy or I start to feel antsy. I have been cleaning like crazy, helping James with his projects, filling out nursing applications, sorting out vaccinations for James and I (flu and Tdap), cooking (yes, truly!), napping, walking, catching up with friends, reading infant development and baby care books, stocking up on groceries and frozen food, and of course...peeing. We are so ready for Dori to come now! He feels massive. Not only does my belly seem really heavy all of a sudden, but I can actually distinguish between most of his body parts (and they are rock solid). I am now 38 weeks pregnant. My parents are in Nashville at the moment and made me promise not to go into labor until they return on Sunday, October 7. I am still going to bet Dori makes his appearance some time between October 8-12. I just have a hunch. I was right about him being a boy, so let's see if I'm right about this! Erika bets 10/8/07, Emily bets 10/10/07 and Annie bets 10/20/07...any more bets?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been saying 10/7/07!! Crazy!!