Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sleeping Saga continued...

For those of you following the sleeping saga...

I fed Dorian some more rice cereal last night - about 3x as much as he had earlier in the day and of a thicker consistency. He loved it and I actually had to make a second bowl for him! I then gave him some Mylicon, and we then went about our normal bedtime routine. He fell asleep after nursing for about 10 minutes (he normally nurses for about 20-30 minutes before bed). I put him down in his crib and he slept for about an hour. He woke up screaming and I picked him up. He burped three times in a row and fell back asleep. That's been a little problem, thinking back - he does wake up burping sometimes but whenever I try to burp him after nursing him, he won't burp because he's asleep! And I do try. Anyway, back to last night. I put him back in the crib and he woke up again. Picked him up, rocked him, put him back down, he woke up again. So I moved him into his carseat by the side of our bed (I think he doesn't like sleeping on his back sometimes). He then slept for 5 hours!!! Pretty good. He has done this before though so this isn't MAJOR progress, but still definitely a step in the right direction. He hadn't had a 5 hour stretch in over a week so that's really good. It's hard for me to not compare his current sleep habits to before when he was sleeping 5-8 hours at a time! Anyway, he woke up after 5 hours and I fed him. I burped him, then gave him some more Mylicon drops and put him back in the carseat. He slept for 2 more hours...this was the major progress. He has never slept for more than 1 hour after waking up from his initial "long" sleep. Then he woke up and wanted more food...after that, it was pretty much up every 30 minutes for the next 3 before he woke up at 6am. Still, there were definitely signs of progress and there was no gas.

I gave him loads of rice cereal again tonight and did the whole bedtime routine. I put him to bed about 30 minutes earlier than usual as he barely napped today. After I nursed him, he didn't fall asleep. I tried putting him down in the crib but he really started crying. So I picked him up and rocked him to sleep! This was progress too! Only the second time he's fallen asleep at the beginning of the night while not nursing.

Stay tuned for updates tomorrow. I'm going to bed now too. Ignore the time stamp's so annoying, it records when you started writing the blog, not when it's actually posted! It is now 7:58pm. Good night! (I hope.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loving the daily updates!!! Hope you got a good nights sleep
