Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sleep training

Okay, fine. All you cry it out enthusiasts were right. At least, you were for one night (let's hope it continues). After not much fun Sunday and Monday nights (I cried!), Dorian fell asleep on his own, with no crying, in his crib last night at 7pm and slept straight through until 4am!!! There was a little minor fussing for about 1-2 minutes around 11pm, but he fell right back asleep. I fed him when he woke up at 4am, put him back in his crib and he then slept until 6:30am.

Oh please, please, PLEASE say this will be what our nights look like from now on!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks fab! Long may it continue. . .
I get really cranky now if either of the boys wakes up. They've learnt it's not worth it!! Congrats for getting into nursing school too, you've worked so hard it seems mad you haven't started the actual course yet!
Big kiss for baby D from us all here. Hope to see you on the webcam soon