Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bad night

Last night was horrible. I'm telling you, we have got a very resistant baby here. One good night, one bad night, one good night, one bad night, and on and on and on. This freaking sucks!!!!!


kate said...

i am sending some good sleep vibes your way! (and remember consistency is the key...he has gotten used to 9 months of sleeping this way and it will take awhile to change that!) i hope that isn't an annoying thing to say, i am rooting for you! can't wait to see you! xoxo

Kelly said...

Thanks, Kate. It's not annoying for you to say it...I totally know it's the truth. I know we need to be consistent. I know we need to keep it up. I know I need my baby to sleep, for him and for James and I. For our sanity. However, I am really, really, REALLY worried I'm not going to be able to keep it up with James gone. I get soooooo tired when he's not here (even though I don't have a snorer next to me, go figure!) and just don't know if I'll have the resolve to keep it up after a couple bad nights. Here's to hoping the little guy gets it together by Friday!!!!!!!!