Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sleep, oh sleep...

Is it totally a thing of my past??? Dorian has been awake now for over an hour. I couldn't take it anymore and put him back in his crib. And now, of course, the screaming baby is keeping me from sleeping. He has been sleeping horribly for the past week. Just horribly. But tonight takes the's like he's decided it's morning and time to get up. Ridiculous.

I'm also freaking out because we had some man come to our house earlier looking for a motel room (he said he thought this was a motel). I hate being home alone. This neighborhood really creeps me out sometimes. When James and I have more money, we want to get a burglar alarm and all the bells and whistles put on our apartment. Or better yet, buy a house in a nice neighborhood! I love our apartment and even though the neighborhood has improved vastly from when I grew up here, it still has a definite shady factor at times. And my parents' dog is useless since the other dog died. Poor girl.

This sleepless night would happen the day before I have to travel alone with a baby. Great. Just great.

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