Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Cheekiness

We purchased an Advent calendar for Dorian this year. We wanted to continue on the tradition both James and I had as children. As yesterday was December 1st, we opened the door on the calendar marked "1" and let Dorian eat the chocolate. He loved it. Of course, we weren't surprised as he has loved chocolate every other time we have given it to him (it's in the blood- his maternal grandfather is Swiss). While Daddy and I were talking over our dinner, he managed to open other doors and eat more chocolate. The calendar is now "ruined." Luckily, Trader Joe's sells them for 99 cents (is there a better deal in America right now???) so we'll purchase another one for him. Mama was happy to finish the rest of the calendar chocolate for Dorian last night (it was the right thing to do).

He wasn't too impressed with the tangerine he tried after the chocolate (though he did try to eat it whole by biting into the skin!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh that picture is too cute! Every child should have a picture of themselves trying something they think is disgusting for the first time.

And of course you had to finish the chocolate! After he'd already eaten so much, he'd probably be sick if he ate any more! heehee