Monday, June 1, 2009

A New Morning (one that doesn't start at 4:30AM)

So, Dori has grown up a lot recently. He says 'pee-pee' or 'poo-poo' when...well, you know when... and successfully uses his potty (if we get there in time). He says new words every day and sings along to Twinkle Twinkle and Old MacDonald with vigor. And he sleeps! 12 hours, in his own bed and with no crying. Real sleep! I wish I knew what prompted the change. What if he reverts to sleeplessness? Not sure I want to be back on square one. I won't complain though; he wakes up in a good mood and so do we. Maybe it's food? He has been eating well recently. Here he is helping to make cookies:

'That looks good'

'Anyone looking?'

'Just a spoonful'

I managed to save some mixture.

'let's see'
'not sure, let's get a second opinion'.

Maybe the change is from being so active?
He's been horseriding;
practicing scales;
rehearsing his country-rock duo;

working on his fine motor skills, stacking creamer, and making a mess -all at the same time;

swimming lengths in the lake;

and deliberately moving sand from one random place to another...over and over again.

Maybe it's love? he did just discover girls:

Whatever it is, he's so happy to be finally sleeping, he can't even pass a bed without taking a lie down.

Our Ikea trip took an hour longer than it should have. Dori had to try every single bed.


Anonymous said...

Great pics. Love the captions. Well done James.
Graham and Jenny

Anonymous said...

lol Agreed; love the captions :D

Could have been worse, he could have been jumping on every single bed :P