Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Baby's first cold (in a manner of speaking)

Things I hate today: weak pregnancy immune systems, colds (caught from germy preschoolers), coughing so hard your diaphragm feels it might split, mucus that refuses to budge from the back of your throat, lack of sleep due to coughing all night, nonstop preschooler temper tantrums, leaky kitchen sinks, finally hot sunshine outside and not being able to enjoy it.

Things I love today: Peach sorbet, fantasies about cough syrup with codeine (I can almost taste it!), knowing my baby is well-protected inside my expanding uterus and that I am already protecting it from harm, glimmers of maturity in my son (he *tries* to stop the temper tantrums - he just can't yet), father landlords who get on the leak right away, the weather forecast for the rest of the week, knowing that this, too, will pass.

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