Monday, August 1, 2011

First Movement Already!

I know some people will say it's not possible, but I felt my baby move last night. According to the American Pregnancy Association, "There is a broad range of when the first detection of movement can be felt, ranging from 13-25 weeks" and "First-time moms may not feel these movements as early as second-time moms." I can feel exactly where my uterus is...and know where the baby is lying due to my ultrasound last week...I felt a bunch of fluttering around right in the spot where the baby is and it felt exactly like the movement I used to feel in the beginning (around 20 weeks or so) with Dorian. If I touched the spot firmly (as they did with the ultrasound wand to get the baby to move), I felt movement in response to the touch. I am just about 14 weeks but this is my second child, I'm a small person, and I'm going to play the registered nurse (in Women & Infants!) card here...I know what I felt. Don't tell me it's just gas. I'm curious though...has anyone else felt it this early? I was shocked when I tuned in to it. The baby is approximately 3.5 inches long and weighs between 1-2 ounces. Incredible.

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