Monday, March 24, 2008

Springtime for Dorian

Springtime means...

Wearing shorts (with Grandpa).
Spending time with Daddy (before he goes on tour next week).
Hanging with Great-Grandma Dorothy...
And with Mama too!
Of course, Springtime always means flowers.
And Easter! The Easter Bunny brought Dori a basket (via Grandma). It contained loads of goodies he could not eat. Mama was happy to help consume the goodies! I don't even think James saw any of them! Darn hormones.

Ooh, what is this???
Mmmmmmm, chocolate (drool, drool).
MY goodies, Mama. You're not having them.
It's important to read the ingedients.
Give me something I can eat!
Ooh, I can eat this stuffed bunny.
And this chick too!
The real Easter bunny left this British car on the porch. Seriously - we have no idea who left it for Dori!
And a brief update...

Dori can now sit up on his own (though not consistently). Dori will do tummy time now for a few minutes at a time. He has also now rolled over from his stomach onto his back (though I have yet to see it). He loves to stand up and is always pulling himself up (by holding on to our hands) from a horizontal position. My dad calls him "Stand-up boy." He refuses to smile for the camera or video camera, even though he smiles and laughs most of the time. Very strange. He still does not sleep.

I am working hard this week, helping the accounting firm reach a March 31st deadline. Luckily, James is around a bit more this week before he goes on tour next Monday. James is still sick, but getting better. I think he just wants the attention! ;)

Anyway, I need to get back to work! Happy Spring everyone!


Meng said...

Nice picture of Crockbaby in the flowerbed. That's very cute. I also like the picture of him chowing down on the bunny. Grrrr!

Anonymous said...

i love that little boy!! all of those pictures are beautiful. one month!! i can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Those pics with him attacking the basket are too cute! I totally understand how you had to help with the treats; Brendan isn't much of a chocolate person and it would just be a crime to let it sit there. heehee

Sorry to hear James is still sick. Here in the good ole Central Valley we just came out of flu season into allergy season! Yay...I envy you living in Oakland and not having all that pollen.

Take care :-)